Posts Tagged ‘tad’

California prisons

2 Jun 2011

The only thing cruel and unusual about the Supreme Court’s decision is its ruling.

© St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Tad Armstrong

Last week’s Supreme Court decision in Plata v. Brown affirmed a lower court injunction that will practically require the release of approximately 26% of California’s current prison population (40,000) by May 23, 2013. I say “practically” because, although the decision requires a reduction from the state’s current volume of nearly 200% of facility design capacity to a maximum of 137.5% (and, therefore, could be achieved by an increase in prison construction with no reduction in the guest list), it is no surprise that California, like many states, is broke. New prisons are not on the horizon. (more…)

Pledge of Allegiance belongs in schools

4 May 2011

Atheists and others who object to ‘under God’ in the pledgedon’t have a heckler’s veto.

© St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Tad Armstrong

Vladimir Lenin, creator of the Soviet Communist Party, founder of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and proponent of atheism, was right when he said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” (more…)

Rule of law or anarchy?

2 Mar 2011

Progressives protesting the end of collecting bargaining flout the democratic process.

© St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Tad Armstrong

As important as the debate over the proper role of collective bargaining in the public sector is for our nation, far more important issues are at stake in Wisconsin. (more…)

How relevant is the Constitution?

2 Feb 2011

© St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Tad Armstrong

The first reading of the United States Constitution in the House of Representatives last month caused some to question its relevance in today’s world. How could the supreme law of the land, complete with provisions allowing Americans to change it whenever their proposal is strong enough to persuade representatives in sufficient numbers to do so, possibly amount to anything less than the essence of contemporary relevance? (more…)

How much is that freedom in the window?

5 Jan 2011

Missouri’s Proposition B is an example of threats to our constitutional freedoms.

© St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Tad Armstrong

The last two sentences of the Star-Spangled Banner are well known: “O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? Play ball.”

I saw Stan Musial play his last game in Sportsman’s Park and remember paying attention to the words of our national anthem, wondering how anyone could understand freedom without visiting the “land of the unfree,” wherever that was. (more…)